Now I would like to wish all our customers, friends and suppliers a very happy & safe 2022.
I hope that with our help you can find the Sign of your Dreams.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sami of SAMI DESIGNS for his creative support and help with the Q & S Memorabilia website, it would not happen without your continued help and input.
I am pleased to confirm that Q & S Memorabilia have taken an inside pitch at “WHITEWEBBS MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT” forthcoming AUTOJUMBLE on Sunday 6th February in Enfield EN2 9HW, where we will have a large and Varied selection of enamel and metal signs for sale, on a cash only basis, Public Entrance is only 5 pounds for 9am – 3 pm.
Q & S Memorabilia will make an additional donation to the “Enfield and District Vehicle Trust” for every sign that we sell on the day.
Look forward to seeing you all there.